
  • Activities

  • Software
    • I coded up a Twitter bot, @EveryFredGraph, that tweets every graph from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (FRED) data series. [Note: unfortunately this was shut down when Twitter blocked bots and Heroku started charging money to deploy web apps]
    • I coded up a “free bet” converter to convert free bet promotions into risk-free payouts, given transaction costs and margin constraints. (See this post for a high-level overview)
    • I coded up an interactive plot for visualizing the career trajectories (peak, longevity) of various ATP men’s tennis players. Here is the better looking but less dynamic static version.

  • Writing
    • I host my personal blog, Blog-Normal, on a substack
    • I coauthor a newsletter, Better Know a Dataset, with Simon Oh.
    • I wrote some notes on solving Black-Scholes

  • Teaching
    • PhD: Corporate Finance I (Doug Diamond & Zhiguo He); Asset Pricing II (Stefan Nagel & Ralph Koijen)
    • MBA: Portfolio Management (Lubos Pastor); Advanced Investments (Stefan Nagel); Behavioral Finance (Sam Hartzmark)
    • Undergrad: Corporate Finance (Constantine Yannelis)